
Accessibility and legibility

In regards to accessibility and legibility, we have taken several steps to ensure that our website is easy to use and accessible to everyone. We have conducted automated tests using various tools and made sure that our website meets the accessibility standards set forth by the WCAG 2.1 guidelines. Furthermore, we have also considered accessibility beyond automated tests and have sought feedback from real users with different abilities to ensure that our website is easy to use for everyone. We have made changes based on this feedback to make our website more accessible.

Ease of maintenance

We have made conscious design choices to ensure that our website is easy to read and navigate. We have used a clear and legible font, with appropriate contrast ratios to ensure that the text is easily readable. We have also used appropriate heading tags and other semantic markup to improve the structure of our pages and make them more accessible to screen readers and other assistive technologies.

In terms of ease of maintenance, we have made sure that our code is well-structured and easy to read. We have used comments where necessary to make our code more understandable to other developers. Our CSS is well-organized, and we have used modular design principles to ensure that our stylesheets are easy to maintain and update.


Finally, we have used creativity in our design to create a unique and visually appealing website. We have used intelligent selectors and innovative design techniques to make our website stand out from the crowd. However, we have also made sure that our creativity does not compromise the usability or accessibility of our website. We have also made sure that our website appears coherent as a site of pages, rather than fragmented texts without a common theme. We have used a consistent color palette and design elements throughout the website to create a unified look and feel. All of our design choices are made with the user in mind, and we constantly seek feedback to improve our website's accessibility and ease of use.